Special Education
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This service is required for students using Erie 1 BOCES owned FM equipment who receive itinerant Hearing Services. |
Special Education |
Audiological Consultation with BOCES FM Equipment This service is for students for whom an FM system is needed (to include but not limited to hearing loss and Central Auditory Processing Disorder) and who currently are not receiving services from an Erie 1 BOCES Teacher of the Deaf-Hard of Hearing. |
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Audiological Consultation with Home District FM Equipment This service includes school visits as needed to monitor/ troubleshoot school district owned FM equipment. |
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This is an hourly service to provide sound field set up or FM fitting at teh school by a BOCES Educational Audiologist. |
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This service provides a comprehensive assessment of student's hearing by an educational audiologist, including recommendations for the CSE. |
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CCRA High School (6:1:1 Class Size) This option provides a therapeutic, caring and nurturing environment with high levels of support and supervision for high school students. Students needing this program have severe emotional and behavior management needs which prevent them from being successful in a typical public high school settin... |
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Central Auditory Processing (CAP) Evaluation This service provides a comprehensive assessment of a student's central auditory pathways by an educational audiologist including recommendations for the CSE.. |
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Erie 1 BOCES school social worker provides consultation to the educational team to provide strategies and techniques that support the social emotional needs across settings. . |
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Erie 1 BOCES school social worker provides a complete comprehensive assessment including recommendations to the CSE to determine the student's need for counseling services. |
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Extended School Year Program (Summer) - Full Day This full-day six-week program is designed to prevent substantial regression over the months of July and August. |
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Extended School Year Program (Summer) - Individual Care Aide The service of an individual care aide can be purchased to supplement the program of a student enrolled in the full day, six week program. |
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Extended School Year Program (Summer) - Individual Related Services - PT This program provides individual related services to students who are enrolled in the center based summer program and require more than the number of sessions per week or services in included the center based program tuition (maximum of 2 session per week of one service). OR As a Related Servi... |
Special Education |
Extended School Year Program (Summer) - Individual Related Services - Vision This program provides related services to students who are enrolled in the center based summer program and require more than the number of sessions per week or services in included the center based program tuition (maximum of 2 session per week of one service). OR As a Related Service ONLY (RS... |
Special Education |
Extended School Year Program (Summer) - Individual Related Services- OT This program provides individual related services to students who are enrolled in the center based summer program and require more than the number of sessions per week or services in included the center based program tuition (maximum of 2 session per week of one service). OR As a Related Servi... |
Special Education |
Extended School Year Program (Summer) - Individual Related Services- Speech This program provides individual related services to students who are enrolled in the center based summer program and require more than the number of sessions per week or services included under the center based program tuition (maximum of 2 session per week of one service). OR As a Related Se... |
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Extended School Year Program (Summer) - LPN The service of a LPN/individual care aide can be purchased to supplement the program of a student enrolled in the full day, six week program. |
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Extended School Year Program (Summer) Related Service Consultation This program provides consultation in the related service areas of Speech, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Vision or Hearing to students who are enrolled in the summer center-based summer program and do not also receive a direct therapy in the area of consultation. |
Special Education |
Extended School Year Program (Summer) - Related Services - Hearing This program provides related services to students who are enrolled in the center based summer program and require more than the number of sessions per week or services in included the center based program tuition (maximum of 2 session per week of one service). OR As a Related Service ONLY (RS... |
Special Education |
Extended School Year Program (Summer) Group Related Services- OT This program provides group related services to students who are enrolled in the center-based summer program and require more than the number of sessions per week or services included under the center-based program tuition (maximum of 2 session per week of one service). |
Special Education |
Extended School Year Program (Summer) Group Related Services- PT This program provides group related services to students who are enrolled in the center-based summer program and require more than the number of sessions per week or services included under the center-based program tuition (maximum of 2 session per week of one service). |
Special Education |
Extended School Year Program (Summer) Group Related Services- Speech This program provides group related services to students who are enrolled in the center based summer program and require more than the number of session per week or services included under the center based program tuition (maximum of 2 session per week of one service). |
Special Education |
This service assesses the appropriateness of an FM System by an Educational Audiologist for a student due to the identification of a Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) or concerns related to attending or listening in the classroom. |
Special Education |
Erie 1 BOCES teacher of the deaf/hard of hearing provides a complete comprehensive assessment including recommendations to the CSE to determine the student's need for hearing services. |
Special Education |
The service of an individual care aide can be purchased to supplement the program of a student placed in any special education class option. Actual cost is based on average salary and fringe benefits of staff.Visit Special Education web page. |
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Erie 1 BOCES school social worker provides 30 minute individual therapy sessions to a student enrolled in a BOCES educational program. Therapy is based on the student's IEP goals and/or social emotional needs. |
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Individual Occupational Therapy Erie 1 BOCES occupational therapist provides 30 minute individual therapy session to a student enrolled in a BOCES educational program. Therapy is based on the student's IEP occupational therapy related goals and needs. |
Special Education |
Individual Occupational Therapy District Enrolled Students Erie 1 BOCES occupational therapist provides 30 minute individual therapy session to a student enrolled in a non-BOCES educational program. Therapy is based on the student's IEP occupational therapy related goals and needs. |
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Erie 1 BOCES physical therapist provides 30 minute individual therapy session to a student enrolled in a BOCES educational program. Therapy is based on the student's IEP physical therapy related goals and needs. |
Special Education |
Individual Physical Therapy District Enrolled Students Erie 1 BOCES physical therapist provides 30 minute individual therapy session to a student enrolled in a non-BOCES educational program. Therapy is based on the student's IEP physical therapy related goals and needs. |
Special Education |
Erie 1 BOCES speech-language therapist provides 30 minute individual therapy sessions to a student enrolled in a BOCES educational program. Therapy is based on the student's IEP speech-language goals. |
Special Education |
Individual Speech District Enrolled Students Erie 1 BOCES speech-language therapist provides 30 minute individual therapy sessions to a student enrolled in a non-BOCES educational program. Therapy is based on the student's IEP speech-language goals. |
Special Education |
Erie 1 BOCES provides speech-language therapists on a shared basis to students grades K-12 that benefit from speech and language supports. These students do not currently have speech-language services mandated on an IEP. |
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Erie 1 BOCES provides teacher of the visually impaired on a shared basis to students that benefit from direct instruction and visual supports to assist in their educational setting. |
Special Education |
The service of a LPN/individual care aide can be purchased to supplement the program of a student placed in any special education class option. Actual cost is based on average salary/fringe benefits of staff. Visit Special Education web page. |
Special Education |
Occupational Therapy Consultation - Student Specific Erie 1 BOCES occupational therapist provides consultation to the educational team to provide strategies and techniques that support the student's occupational therapy needs across settings. |
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Occupational Therapy Evaluation Erie 1 BOCES occupational therapist provides a complete comprehensive assessment including recommendations to the CSE to determine the student's need for occupational therapy services. |
Special Education |
Occupational Therapy FTE Equivalents for District-Enrolled Students Erie 1 BOCES occupational therapist provides occupational therapy on an FTE basis to students enrolled in a non-BOCES educational program. Therapy is based on the student's IEP occupational therapy goals and FTE needs identified by the district. |
Special Education |
Erie 1 BOCES physical therapist provides consultation to the educational team to provide strategies and techniques that support the student's physical therapy needs across settings. |
Special Education |
Erie 1 BOCES physical therapist provides a complete comprehensive assessment including recommendations to the CSE to determine the student's need for physical therapy services. |
Special Education |
Physical Therapy FTE Equivalents for District-Enrolled Students Erie 1 BOCES physical therapist provides physical therapy on an FTE basis to students enrolled in a non-BOCES educational program. Therapy is based on the student's IEP physical therapy goals and FTE needs identified by the district. |
Special Education |
Professional Development Training Training sessions for classroom teachers and related school staff on a variety of transition related topics. Topics include, but are not limited to: Job coach training Self determination training ACCES-VR and other adult service providers Transition planning Conducting and using transition assessme... |
Special Education |
Project Search is a high school transitional program for students 18-21 years old. Classes focus on employability and adult living skills including: resume’ writing, finances, self-help, nutrition, community access and recreation. Students particpate in community intership opportunities and are... |
Special Education |
RISE (Reaching Individual Student Excellence) Program RISE (Reaching Individual Student Excellence) Program combines 6:1:2 classes with trauma informed care, behavioral supports and psychiatric consultation to meet the educational and social emotional need for students in grades kindergarten through eighth grade who are struggling with trauma and menta... |
Special Education |
Erie 1 BOCES school social worker provides 30 minute group therapy sessions to a student enrolled in a BOCES educational program. Therapy is based on the student's IEP social emotional goals. Groups consist of two to five students. |
Special Education |
Small Group Occupational Therapy Sessions are 30 minutes in length and are provided to students in small groups of two to five students. |
Special Education |
Small Group Occupational Therapy District Enrolled Students Erie 1 BOCES occupational therapist provides 30 minute group therapy sessions to a student enrolled in a non-BOCES educational program. Therapy is based on the student's IEP occupational therapy related goals and needs. Groups consist of two to five students. |
Special Education |
Small Group Physical Therapy District Enrolled Students Only Erie 1 BOCES physical therapist provides 30 minute group therapy sessions to a student enrolled in a non-BOCES educational program. Therapy is based on the student's IEP physical therapy related goals and needs. Groups consist of two to five students. |
Special Education |
Erie 1 BOCES speech-language therapist provides 30 minute group therapy sessions to a student enrolled in a BOCES educational program. Therapy is based on the student's IEP speech-language goals. Groups consist of two to five students. |
Special Education |
Small Group Speech District Enrolled Students Erie 1 BOCES speech-language therapist provides 30 minute group therapy sessions to a student enrolled in a non-BOCES educational program. Therapy is based on the student's IEP speech-language goals. Groups consist of two to five students. |
Special Education |
This option provides a teacher and classroom aide for every six students whose academic/cognitive, social, emotional and/or physical needs are determined to be very intensive and require a high degree of intervention and management. |
Special Education |
This option provides a teacher and classroom aide for every eight students whose academic/cognitive, social, emotional and/or physical needs are determined to be intensive and require a high degree of management. |
Special Education |
Erie 1 BOCES speech-language therapist provides consultation to the educational team to provide strategies and techniques that support the student's speech-language skills across settings. |
Special Education |
Erie 1 BOCES speech-language therapist provides a complete comprehensive assessment including recommendations to the CSE to determine the student's need for speech services. |
Special Education |
Speech FTE Equivalents for District-Enrolled Students Erie 1 BOCES speech-language therapist provides speech-language therapy on an FTE basis to students enrolled in a non-BOCES educational program. Therapy is based on the student's IEP speech-language goals and FTE needs identified by the district. |
Special Education |
Teacher of the Deaf Consultation Erie 1 BOCES teacher of the deaf/hard of hearing provides consultation to the educational team to provide strategies and techniques that support the student's hearing related needs across settings. Teacher of the deaf/hard of hearing also assist the classroom teacher or other service providers ... |
Special Education |
Teacher of the Deaf- Hard of Hearing Services Erie 1 BOCES teacher of the deaf/hard of hearing service provides 30 minute individual direct sessions to a student enrolled in a distict or BOCES educational program. Sessions are based on the student's IEP hearing goals and needs. Teacher of the deaf/ hard of hearing service also monitors proper f... |
Special Education |
This service provides the expertise of a transition specialist to complete transition assessments (both informal and formal) and recommendations to the CSE to determine student's transition needs. |
Special Education |
This service provides the expertise of a transition specialist to assist the classroom teacher and other district staff in analyzing and identifying student's transition needs and designing activities to be implemented in the student's educational program. |
Special Education |
Transition Services FTE Equivalents for District Enrolled Students (0.1 FTE) This service provides the district with 17 transition specialist days and three days of planning and preparation. These days can be used in district for: Professional development training Providing transition services for groups of students, including career exploration, transition assessments, wor... |
Special Education |
The teacher of the visually impaired consults with the educational team and student, if appropriate, to assure that the student is continuing his/her ability to function within the eduational setting with the accommodations that are in place to assist with the learning process. |
Special Education |
Erie 1 BOCES teacher of the visually impaired provides a complete comprehensive assessment including recommendations to the CSE to determine the student's need for vision services. |
Special Education |
Vision FTE Equivalents for District Enrolled Students Erie 1 BOCES teacher of the visually impaired provides vision therapy on an FTE basis to students enrolled in a non-BOCES educational program. Therapy is based on the student's IEP vision goals and FTE needs identified by the district. |
Special Education |
Erie 1 BOCES teacher of the visually impaired provides adaptive materials to assist in the educational setting. This service does not include direct instruction. |
Special Education |