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The Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) is a fully cloud-based learning environment that streamlines interactions and builds strong relationships between teachers and students. Canvas is the hub of your digital classroom—whether that's in-person, online, or in a blended environment. It... |
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Credit Recovery Support - Subsequent Years Erie 1 BOCES will manage the resources for these products which are integrated into the Distance Education service. Subscription to online resources includes an 8% registration processing and user fee for online resources. |
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DE Asynchronous AP Course - In District - Full Year Districts participating in the AP Moodle service will be offered a variety of courses that they can use in-district through the Moodle. Full-year courses will be based on the course requirements from the College Board. Districts can use these courses in-district ONLY and are not allowed to have stud... |
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DE Asynchronous AP Course- In District - Half Year Districts participating in the AP Moodle service will be offered a variety of courses that they can use in-district through the Moodle. Half-year courses will be based on the course requirements from the College Board. Districts can use these courses in-district ONLY and are not allowed to have stud... |
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DE Asynchronous Course (including AP courses) - Multiple Sites - Full Year DE Asynchronous Course taught by a certified teacher in that subject area to students from multiple districts. Please refer to service code 454.410 for full service details. |
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DE Asynchronous Course (including AP courses) - Multiple Sites - Half Year DE Asynchronous Course taught by a certified teacher in that subject area to students from multiple districts. Please refer to service code 454.410 for full service details. |
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As an integrated suite of solutions for fully-online, blended, or in-class settings, Desire2Learn Learning Suite is the most robust ecosystem of e-Learning products in the industry today. With Desire2Learn Learning Suite, the opportunities to deliver innovation in teaching and learning are limitless... |
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Distance Education - Interactive Video Project Connect This service provides Erie 1 BOCES component districts a wide variety of full subject matter K-16 courses that link area classrooms via video conferencing links. |
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DL Bridging Services (External Service Provider) Bridging service provided through external bridging services. |
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Bridging services between multiple H.320/H.323 sites, external multiple sites or Gateway service between H.320/323. |
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Provides for custom Satellite Downlinks to Distance Learning classrooms for special events. |
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This service is for repair or modification of the distance learning equipment or room. In addition, video conferencing equipment may be repaired utilizing this service. Please refer to service code 454.105 for full service details |
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Acquisition of hardware for distance learning services should be budgeted in this line item. |
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Provides high school students with various class options presented in an online environment. |
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DL Project Connect Coordination Fee The distance learning coordinator will plan with Erie 1 BOCES component districts for classes and virtual field trips appropriate for the learning experience. Any fees for participating in the event are the responsibility of the district. Please refer to service code 454.105 for full service details |
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Fee for each class in which a school participates. Please refer to service code 454.105 for full service details. |
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DL Project Connect Technical Support Standard technical support of distance learning rooms and DL network connections. Please refer to service code 454.105 for full service details |
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DL Project Connect Technical Support - Additional Hours Additional hours of technical support for special projects related to distance learning rooms or classes. Please refer to service code 454.105 for full service details |
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DL Project Connect Telco Charges Telephone charges related to distance learning classes. Please refer to service code 454.105 for full service details |
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This service provides for parts used in repairing or maintaining the distance learning room and video conferencing equipment in Erie 1BOCES component districts. |
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Provides consultation, design and implementation of special projects facilities for Erie 1 BOCES component districts. Video production will be considered a special project. |
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Provides for custom design of distance learning facilities for Erie 1 BOCES component districts. |
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Digital curriculum tailored to Grades 6 to 12+. Schools can use full course content to expand course offerings to students. 400+ NY state aligned courses that can be utilized for credit recovery. Searchable by learning standard for flexible content assignment by unit. Teachers can custom... |
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Digital curriculum tailored to Grades 6 to 12+. Schools can use full course content to expand course offerings to students. 400+ NY state aligned courses that can be utilized for credit recovery. Searchable by learning standard for flexible content assignment by unit. Teachers can custom... |
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Edmentum - formerly Apex Learning Apex Learning Virtual School helps you tailor virtual instruction to your unique needs for full- or part-time virtual learning with flexible teaching staffing options. Use your teachers, our NYS certified teachers, or both. Powered by our digital NYS aligned curriculum for grades 6 to 12.  ... |
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Edmentum - formerly Apex Learning Summer Apex Learning Virtual School helps you tailor virtual instruction to your unique needs for full- or part-time virtual learning with flexible teaching staffing options. Use your teachers, our NYS certified teachers, or both. Powered by our digital NYS aligned curriculum for grades 6 to 12.  ... |
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FLVS Global is committed to providing schools and districts with valuable resources, customized support, and a rich array of K-12 courses. We partner with schools and districts to build and quickly implement online and blended learning solutions that align with national and state standards, and... |
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Pearson provides your district or school the opportunity to offer students a fully supported online/blended learning environment utilizing Pearson Connexus’ all-inclusive offering, informed by more than two decades of experience. Designed for a full-time virtual school solution, credit recovery, and... |
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Give your students the flexibility they need during the summer for quick credit recovery. Provide a way for your more advanced students to accelerate their learning as well with our Honors or AP® pathways. Please refer to service code 454.891 for full service. |
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Imagine Learning - formerly Edgenuity Imagine Learning is a leading provider of online and blended learning solutions, offering a comprehensive suite of K-12 digital curriculum as well as a variety of supplemental and intervention solutions, virtual school services, and professional development. Our robust suite of PreK-12 digital conte... |
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Imagine Learning- formerly Edgenuity Imagine Learning is a leading provider of online and blended learning solutions, offering a comprehensive suite of K-12 digital curriculum as well as a variety of supplemental and intervention solutions, virtual school services, and professional development. Our robust suite of PreK-12 digital conte... |
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Islands of Enlightenment Projects. This service allows teachers and students to access our secure Virtual Environment Platform, known as OpenSim. This platform allows teachers to use one of our virtual islands. We have 2 fully developed Islands for teachers to access with their students: The Unders... |
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Islands of Enlightenment Projects This service allows teachers and students to access our secure Virtual Environment Platform, known as OpenSim. This platform allows teachers to use one of our virtual islands. We have 2 fully developed Islands for teachers to access with their students: 1. The Understanding the Holocaus... |
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iTutor provides live on-line, synchronous instruction with a subject specific NYS certified educator. We work with students who are homebound due to medical, suspension/quarantine, in need of credit recovery or SAT/ACT preparation. We have 1:1, small group or 1:many virtual classroom options ta... |
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In this tech-driven world, teachers want an easy way to create content for their classes and organize their materials, data, and learner audiences. They also need to provide the best learning experiences to prepare students for the future. A learning management system allows them to do so. |
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Learning Management Systems Support - Subsequent Years After Year 1 454.430.01 is purchased and implemented, districts will move into this service for every year after. This service to support the district's chosen Learning Management System includes one day of training. Updates and changes to the resource will be covered. Please refer to ser... |
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Learning Management Systems Support - Year 1 This required prerequisite to support Learning Management Systems includes three days of training. Implementation and planning including phone calls, webinars and in person visits. Please refer to service code 454.430 for full service details. |
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Mobile & Desktop Video Conference This service includes the E1B DL technician servicing of any hardware (purchasing of maintenance for software upgrades and hardware replacement is separate); all NYSERNET projects offered through E1B along with DL coordinator to organize, set up, and assist during project; projects created by and of... |
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This Erie 1 BOCES component district service provides districts with K-12 online virtual education opportunities including credit for makeup courses, basic skills, core curriculum, electives, foreign language, AP courses, summer school, SAT/ACT prep and practice and GED. District must be in the Dist... |
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Online Virtual Education - Additional Support Additional support for 454.400 Online Virtual Education. Please refer to service code 454.400 for full service details |
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Online Virtual Learning Environment This service will provided districts with an affordable online learning management solution. This service is tiered based on district need. |
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Online Virtual Learning Environment - Technical Support Technical support for Moodle virtual learning environment. Please refer to service code 454.410 for full service details. |
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Online Virtual Learning Environment - Tier 2 This service will provided districts with an affordable online learning management solution. This service is tiered based on district need. Please refer to service code 454.410 for full service details. |
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Online Virtual Learning Environment - Tier 3 This service will provided districts with an affordable online learning management solution. This service is tiered based on district need. Please refer to service code 454.410 for full service details. |
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Online Virtual Learning Environment - Tier 4 - Year 1 This service will provided districts with an affordable online learning management solution. This service is tiered based on district need. Please refer to service code 454.410 for full service details. |
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Online Virtual Learning Environment - Tier 4 Subsequent Years In subsequent years, teachers who have courses in the Moodle will also be able to attend the Moodle User Group (MUG) meetings. All software updates/upgrades to the Moodle are included. Please refer to service code 454.410 for full service details. |
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Online Virtual Learning Environment with Moodle - Tier 1 This service will provided districts with an affordable online learning management solution. This service is tiered based on district need. Please refer to service code 454.410 for full service details. |
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Online Virtual Learning Environments - Additional Storage This service will provide districts with an affordable online learning management solution. Please refer to service code 454.410 for full service details. |
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Registration fee 8%. Please refer to service code 454.891 for full service. |
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Right Reason Technologies - Right Path Individualized Instruction for All Students Is At The Heart Of Our Technology-Enabled Solutions, Providing Opportunities For Students To Progress With Their Peers, While Staying On Track For Graduation. We offer LEARNING PROGRAMS that are Flexible, Scalable, And Cost Effective to support: Cred... |
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Schoology Learning is the leader in K-12 teaching and learning technology—designed to help schools and districts improve student performance while enabling equity and access for every student. Schoology Learning is an all-inclusive fully hosted system that transforms your institution into a thriving... |
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Unaidable Summer Virtual Education This Erie 1 BOCES component district service provides districts with K-12 online virtual education opportunities including credit for makeup courses, basic skills, core curriculum, electives, foreign language, AP courses, summer school, SAT/ACT prep and practice and GED. District must be... |
Technology Services |