Name |
Service Code |
This service is required for students using Erie 1 BOCES owned FM equipment who receive itinerant Hearing Services. |
Special Education |
Audiological Consultation with BOCES FM Equipment This service is for students for whom an FM system is needed (to include but not limited to hearing loss and Central Auditory Processing Disorder) and who currently are not receiving services from an Erie 1 BOCES Teacher of the Deaf-Hard of Hearing. |
Special Education |
Audiological Consultation with Home District FM Equipment This service includes school visits as needed to monitor/ troubleshoot school district owned FM equipment. |
Special Education |
This is an hourly service to provide sound field set up or FM fitting at teh school by a BOCES Educational Audiologist. |
Special Education |
This service provides a comprehensive assessment of student's hearing by an educational audiologist, including recommendations for the CSE. |
Special Education |
Central Auditory Processing (CAP) Evaluation This service provides a comprehensive assessment of a student's central auditory pathways by an educational audiologist including recommendations for the CSE.. |
Special Education |
This service assesses the appropriateness of an FM System by an Educational Audiologist for a student due to the identification of a Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) or concerns related to attending or listening in the classroom. |
Special Education |