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AED District-Wide Program Management This service provides a BOCES staff member to: deliver certification/recertification for 40 individuals, train the instructor training, establish a refresher and drill program, develop a computerized tracking system to maintain records of training, maintenance, etc., act as the liaison between the m... |
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This service is in the event that new guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) are published by the American Heart Association and ECC and the New York State EMS Council votes to adopt these new standards for all EMS courses and Public Access Defibrillation entities. |
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AED/CPR Adult/Pediatric Certification Training This is an American Heart Association two-year certification including book and card. (Pricing applies if you subcribe to 654.080.01) |
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AED/CPR Adult/Pediatric Certification Training This is an American Heart Association two-year certification including book and card. AED/CPR Certification Training for districts not participating in the AED District-Wide Program Management. |
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AED/CPR Adult/Pediatric Recertification Training This is an American Heart Association two-year certification including card. (Pricing applies if you subcribe to 654.080.01) |
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AED/CPR Adult/Pediatric Recertification Training This is an American Heart Association two-year certification including card. AED/CPR Certification Training for Districts not participating in the AED District-Wide Program Management |
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AED/CPR and First Aid for Coaches Certification Training Erie 1 BOCES is an approved agency by NYSED to provide AED/CPR and first aid certification for coaches and also an approved training center for the American Heart Association. This service provides an American Heart Association two-year AED/CPR certification and NYSED three-year certification for fi... |
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AED/CPR and First Aid for Coaches Recertification Training Erie 1 BOCES is an approved agency by NYSED to provide AED/CPR and first aid recertification for coaches and also an approved training center for the American Heart Association. This service provides an American Heart Association two-year AED/CPR certification and NYSED three-year certification for ... |
Management Services |
Service provides non Level 2 districts with NYS asbestos certified inspectors, management planners and contractor/supervisors to oversee and manage a district's required asbestos management plan, perform periodic surveillances and Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) re-inspections, and pr... |
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Bus Driver Training - Advanced Course Ten-hour advanced course is an advanced review of material covered in the 30-hour basic course. It also covers updates on new rules and regulations. Attendance at this course also allows the opportunity for an insurance reduction. |
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Bus Driver Training - Basic Course Thirty-hour basic course is a mandated course for new bus drivers. The course includes topics such as first aid, defensive driving, discipline, and dealing with special needs children. |
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NYS Attendant / Monitor Training required of all monitors and attendants in NYS within first year of employment. Course includes but not limited to: roles and responsibilities, student management, safe ridership, loading/unloading, and emergencies. |
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This course is designed to train individuals to deal with the day-to-day operation of a swimming pool, and do it cost effectively. To successfully complete the class, individuals must pass a closed book test with a passing grade of 80%. Visit Management Services Web page to learn more. |
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Facilities Needs Assessment Survey (FNAS) Discontinued Service |
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Lifeguard, CPR/AED and First Aid Certification A 1-year certification will be provided in Lifeguard, CPR/AED and First Aid at the end of the course. Erie 1 BOCES is an approved training agency through Red Cross for Lifeguard certification and an approved AHA training center for CPR/AED certification as well as an approved NYSED training agency f... |
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Project SAVE Requirement - Building Level Safety Plan Develop a Building-Level Safety Plan for district school buildings that complies with all legal requirements as well as current best practices and requests by the state. |
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Project SAVE Requirement -Safe Schools District-Wide Safety Plan Develop a District-Wide Safety Plan for school districts that complies with all legal requirements as well as current best practices and requests by the state. |
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Erie 1 BOCES is certified by New York State to provide radon laboratory services. These services meet SED guidelines for screening district facilities for the presence of radon gas and include one year of long-term sampling and analysis. Documentation of the findings will be supplied on a quarterly ... |
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This service provides component school districts with the necessary information to develop an understanding of various local, state and federal rules, regulations and laws outlined in the modules contained in the Erie 1 BOCES Health, Safety and Risk Management Service Planning Guide. This is accompl... |
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Safety Risk - Level 2 In-District Staff Person This service provides a BOCES Health, Safety and Risk Management staff member to work in a district on a shared basis to develop and implement a comprehensive program from the modules listed in the service planning guide. This service has proven to be an effective method in reducing insurance costs ... |
Management Services |
Safety Risk - Level 2 In-District Staff Person This service provides an additional day of a BOCES Health, Safety and Risk Management staff member to work in a district on a shared basis to develop and implement a comprehensive program from the modules listed in the service planning guide. This service has proven to be an effective method in redu... |
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Management Services |