Consultant Teacher Services- Distance Learning Programs 9-12
Indirect Special Education Consultant Teacher Services for students with IEPs particpatring in eAacdemy or Engage distance learning programs.
120 hours weekly of indirect Special Eductaion Consulatnt Teacher Servcies provided to students with IEPs and theor content instructiors to support SDI, accomodations, modicications and progress monitroring of IEP goals.
Students must be enrolled in eAacdemy or Engage .
Students muyst be classified for special educationa nd have a current IEP specifiying indirect consulatnt teacher servcies
District will provide:
Current valid IEP inidcating indirect Consultant Teacher Servcies
BOCES will:
Provide 120 hours weekly of indirect Consultant Teacher Servcies
Provide IEP goal progress monitoringa nd quarterly progress reports
Assit in the devlopment of draft IEPs for CSE reviews
Particpate in CSE meetings as invited by home school distroct / CSE