Project SAVE Requirement -Safe Schools District-Wide Safety Plan
Develop a District-Wide Safety Plan for school districts that complies with all legal requirements as well as current best practices and requests by the state.
A fully completed hard copy and digital District-Wide Safety Plan including one in-person meeting with each district to develop and finalize the plan.
Will meet all legal requirements, including Commissioner's regulations, as well as align the plan with the current informal request by the state to develop and submit ICS - based Building-Level Safety Plans for all district school buildings. This would provide greater consistency across the district with all its plans, which could lead to more efficient and consistent execution of drills and plan parameters, if needed.
Develop an ICS-based district-wide safety plan that aligns with the current informal request by the state to develop ICS - based Building-Level Safety Plans for all district school buildings.
Experienced, trained Health & Safety Risk Management staff have the knowledge and experience to efficiently and timely develop a NYS Safe School-ICS based District-Wide Safety Plan. Further, having one source develop all the plans for the district would help ensure consistency across the plans. We have already seen districts put together their own plans, without this consistency.